Narcissist Abuse Recovery
Life Coaching for Adults Dealing With a Narcissist
Do you know the ways that a narcissistic parent might have damaged YOU?
“Why is getting along with my mother so hard?” said my client, sighing deeply as she wiped away tears in session. “I feel anxious all of the time, I’m depressed, and I can’t even hear her sigh of disapproval on the phone without wanting to run and hide. What am I doing wrong?”
The tendency to feel like everything is your fault, and that YOU are in fact the one “doing something wrong”, is typical of the child of a narcissistic parent.
- Feeling “not good enough” or unlovable.
- Your parent emphasizes how your behavior LOOKS, or makes them look, over how you FEEL.
- Your parent don’t support your healthy expressions of self, especially when they conflict with their own needs or threaten them.
- Constantly trying to win your parent’s approval.
- In your family, it’s always about pleasing that one narcissistic parent.
- Your parent can’t empathize with you and is jealous of you.
*Free session is 15 minutes in duration.
There is typically a family “scapegoat,” a person on whom the family blames the problems. “If only Jane wouldn’t cross Mother…if only she would call her more often…THEN Mother wouldn’t get so upset.”
The truth of the matter is that a parent who is narcissistic is always going to be looking for ways that the “scapegoat” lets them down. This parent’s attitude is not, “What have you done for me,” but instead, “What have you done for me TODAY?” It truly is never enough to get the “scapegoated” child off the hook.
Freedom comes when, with the guidance and encouragement of your specially trained and certified life coach, you begin to gently challenge these things in the family and express your own needs.
I am a certified Victim of Narcissist Recovery Coach, providing Remote Coaching. Contact me to set an appointment for remote life coaching by phone, FaceTime, or Skype!

Videos & Interviews
Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents & Family Roles
Top 5 Questions Asked By Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents
Scapegoats, Narcissists, and Dual Diagnosis - Q&A With Debbie Tudor LPC
Contact & Self-Guided Help
Remote Coaching
Email me today, and let’s get started!
INTAKE (Coaching) $215