Rockwall Life Coaching Blog

Alcohol Use – or Overuse?

Alcohol Use—or Overuse? Screening Questions to Consider Have you ever wondered if, or been told that, you drink too much? Contrary to popular opinion, there are standards by which professional therapists measure and diagnose whether or not your use falls into...

Healing Low Self Esteem

Tips To Improve Your Self Esteem Remember that healing is a process; one day at a time. Your self esteem wasn't trashed overnight and true recovery takes a long time. But you will be energized as you begin to feel better. Pause and listen to the negative messages you...

Do I Need Counseling

How Do I Know If I Need Counseling? Every day millions of people search online for help with their problems, wondering if it’s finally time to reach out for counseling and support to handle sadness, depression, anxiety, stress, fights with their partner or spouse, and...

Warning Signs of an Abusive Relationship

Here are some warning signs of a potentially abusive relationship: Push for quick involvement: comes on very strong, pressures for an exclusive commitment almost immediately Jealousy: Excessively possessive: calls constantly, visits unexpectedly; prevents you from...

Family Trouble! Dealing with Difficult People

“It just never works to be in contact with my mother,” said my client as she started our session, wiping away tears. “I don’t want to cut her out of my life completely, but I can’t keep going back to be sniped at again and again.” This client and I had already...

Winter Blues: Seasonal Affective Disorder Q and A

“What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?” Although the specific diagnosis is complicated, these symptoms may indicate signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder: craving for carbohydrates, excessive sleeping, lack of energy, weight gain, and all of the symptoms of depression...

Signs of Depression in Adults
PLEASE NOTE: this list is NOT intended to diagnose or treat you. See a licensed mental health provider or medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Most people get “the blues” sometimes that last a day or two. However, Major Depressive Disorder is a SERIOUS and often FATAL illness that occurs in approximately 6.7 percent of US adults. Medications can be helpful, but come with side effects that many people cannot tolerate. Medications will NOT cure the mistaken belief system causing the depression.
Without talk therapy to both uncover the root cause of the depression and learn ways to manage it, depression can persist despite medication. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, can help you uncover the beliefs you carry about life without even knowing it. These beliefs often contribute to depression below your level of awareness. Once uncovered, I can help you face and refute the irrational thoughts and replace them with healthy, logical thoughts.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms on a frequent or daily basis, please contact me for a full professional evaluation:

– sadness
– pessimism
– feeling like a failure
– loss of pleasure
– guilty feelings
– punishment feelings
– self-dislike
– self-criticalness
– suicidal thoughts or a sense of, It would be – better if I weren’t here*
– crying, or unable to cry anymore
– feeling agitated
– no interest
– hard to decide things
– feeling worthless
– no energy
– sleep issues
– irritable
– appetite changes, up or down
– can’t concentrate
– fatigue
– no sexual interest

(Adapted from the Beck Depression Inventory)
Taking that step to call us for an appointment is hard, but can be the best decision you ever make. Email us for in-office or REMOTE Therapy!