What My Patients Have Taught Me
Dear Friends and Clients;
I have been in practice 15 years this May. I am amazed and grateful every day that I get to do the work I love. These 15 years of counseling in Rockwall, Texas have been very fulfilling.
Like most therapists, I started out seeing all ages in individual and couples counseling. I took insurance, started Rockwall’s first Divorce Recovery classes for Judge Sue Pirtle and Judge Brett Hall. I began a Mentoring program that is still used in RISD schools today. I started the Rockwall Therapist’s Lunch Group which still meets every month. My studies in Evidence Based Behavioral Medicine led to the production of my CD (see link to order at right) which has given dozens of people relief from pain, sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, and panic attacks.
As my practice grew, I have been able to break free from the insurance companies’ dictates for your care and practice out-of-network only. I see only adults in individual counseling. I have found my “dream office” in the woods. I keep a select group of patients and give care that is unlike any offered elsewhere. I am continually studying, going to seminars, and learning ways to improve your care even more.
My practice is NOT for everyone. My clients pay for the best and they get it.
Here is what you, the patients, have taught me:
When a person is ready to change, they change. Not before.
Sometimes a listening ear is enough and exactly what is needed.
It takes time to “undo” the years of damage done in life (the so called “brief” therapies lead to “brief” changes!)
The human heart, mind and spirit is always striving toward health.
Plenty of people in your life “give advice.” I give skilled, licensed, highly professional counseling and a patient knows the difference.
THANK YOU, to my patients. THANK YOU for allowing me the privilege to participate in your care. THANK YOU for your trust.
And thank you for teaching me these things.